
This study aimed to examine the effect of clove leaf oil on the preservation of skipjack tuna fish. This research was conducted with variations in concentration and duration of storage. Analysis of the number of microbes was determined using the Pour method (pour plate), the organoleptic analysis used a test of the level of preference for color, aroma, texture, and taste. Analysis of protein levels used a Uv- Vis spectrophotometer and analysis of fat content used the Soxletation method.


  • Tanaman cengkeh adalah tanaman rempah, dimana pada bagian utama tanaman cengkeh yang paling komersial yaitu bunga cengkeh yang sebagian besar digunakan pada industri rokok yang berkisar antara 80-90%

  • Abstrak – This study aimed to examine the effect of clove leaf oil on the preservation of skipjack tuna fish

  • The results showed that; (a) At a concentration of 5% with a storage duration of 2 and 4 days, the pH was [6,60] and 6,65; at a concentration of 10% with a storage duration of 2 and 4 days, the pH was 7,0 and 7,03; at a concentration of 15% with a length of 2 and 4 days, the pH was [7,20] and 7,23. (b) At a concentration of 5% with a storage period of 2 and 4 days and dilutions of [10-3] and 10-4, the number of microbes obtained respectively were (151 CFU/mL and 263 CFU/mL) and (443 CFU/mL and 164 CFU/mL ); at a concentration of 10% with a storage duration of 2 and 4 days and dilution of [10-3] and 10-4, the number of microbes obtained respectively were (296 CFU/mL and 670 CFU/mL) and (160 CFU/mL and 771 CFU/mL); at a concentration of 15% with a storage duration of 2 and 4 days and dilutions of [10-3] and 104 obtained that the number of microbes were (996 CFU/mL and 950 CFU/mL) and (917 CFU/mL and 742 CFU/mL). (c) The organoleptic test results showed that a concentration of 15% was the best concentration that can be used for fish preservation for 2 days and 4 days. (d) At 5% concentration with 2 and 4 days storage period, the protein content was obtained 8,153% and 4,988%; at a concentration of 10% with a storage duration of 2 and 4 days obtained that protein levels were 8.679% and 5.131%; at a concentration of 15% with a storage duration of 2 and 4 days obtained that protein levels were 9.869% and 8.983%. (e) At a concentration of 5% with a storage duration of 2 and 4 days, the fat content obtained was 0.43% and 0.5888%; at a concentration of 10% with a storage duration of 2 and 4 days the fat content obtained was 0.89% and 0.976; at a concentration of 15% with a storage duration of 2 and 4 days, the concentration of fat content was 0.963% and 1.029%

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Winarsyih Muhidin dan Tahril

Jurusan Pendidikan MIPA Fakultas Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan Universitas Tadulako Palu. Minyak cengkeh merupakan salah satu bahan antibakteri alami yang melimpah dan dapat bermanfaat sebagai antibakteri (Andries dkk., 2014). Ikan merupakan salah satu sumber protein yang sangat dibutuhkan oleh manusia, karena kandungan proteinnya tinggi, dan juga mengandung asam amino esensial yang di perlukan oleh tubuh, nilai biologisnya mencapai. Kemunduran mutu ikan disebabkan oleh aksi enzimatis dan juga bakteri, kedua aksi tersebut dapat mengurai komponen penyusun jaringan tubuh pada ikan, sehingga menghasilkan perubahan fisik seperti daging ikan dapat menjadi lunak dan juga perubahan kimia yang menghasilkan senyawa yang mudah menguap dan berbau busuk (Tumonda dkk., 2017). Ikan memiliki komposisi kimia yang dapat bermanfaat bagi tubuh manusia, secara garis besar ikan mengandung air (65-80%), protein (17-22%), lemak (0,5-2%) dan juga abu (1-2%). Tulisan ini dimaksudkan untuk mendeskripsikan tentang pemanfaatan minyak daun cengkeh (Syzygium aromatcum L.) untuk pengawetan ikan

Penambahan minyak daun cengkeh pada daging ikan cakalang
Uji kadar Protein
Penulis mengucapkan terima kasih kepada
Laboratorium Agroteknologi universitas
Direct Instruction Berbasis Keterampilan cangkang kelapa sawit sebagai pengawet
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