
The Community Service program activity of the Electricity and Renewable Energy Faculty lecturer team at the PLN Technology Institute for the 2019/2020 fiscal year was carried out in Sukadana village, Ciomas district, Serang region, Banten precisely at RT 011 RW 003 Cilatak hamlet. The selection of Sukadana village as a place to implement Community Service is because this village is still experiencing problems in the construction and development facilities and infrastructure. The problems that are currently being experienced by villagers regarding the clean water distribution for ablution of villagers in the mosque. During this time for ablution in mosque, villagers only rely on water from mountain springs whose distribution relies on gravitational pressure through a plastic hose and accommodated in a large tub located beside the mosque. In addition to being used for ablution, water is also used by villagers to bathing, washing, etc., so that when used for ablution sometimes it is no longer clean because it has been mixed with soapy water used for bathing and washing. Based on those problems, our team provided solution to partner in the form of infrastructure development and clean water supply by reconfiguring the clean water distribution installation for ablution in the mosque by installing solar water pump. The method used in the implementation of this Community Service activity is to approach the villagers during the survey through interviews by providing solution to the problem and conducting questionnaires and socialization in the form of a brief education. The results of the activities have been done by installing 2 units of DC water pump @180 Watt, 4 units of polycrystalline solar modules @100 Wp, 2 units of battery @100 Ah 12 V and 2 units of solar charge controller. With the implementation of Community Service activities in Sukadana village, aside from being able to help overcome the problems faced by partner, besides that it can provide progress and development of infrastructure for partner village and the existence of a partnership that makes that village as IT PLN assisted village.


  • ABSTRAK Kegiatan program Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat (PkM) tim dosen Fakultas Ketenagalistrikan dan Energi Terbarukan IT PLN untuk tahun anggaran 2019/2020 ini dilaksanakan di Desa Sukadana, Kecamatan Ciomas, Kabupaten Serang, Banten tepatnya di RT 011 RW 003 Dusun Cilatak

  • The selection of Sukadana village as a place to implement Community Service is because this village is still experiencing problems

  • The problems that are currently being experienced by villagers regarding the clean water distribution for ablution

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Desa Sukadana secara geografis wilayahnya berada pada 6° LS dan 106° BT, dimana sebelah. Selama ini untuk wudhu di musholla, warga hanya mengandalkan air yang berasal dari mata air pegunungan yang penyalurannya mengandalkan tekanan gravitasi melalui selang plastik dan ditampung dalam sebuah bak besar yang terletak di samping musholla. Hal ini menjadi permasalahan oleh warga desa setempat karena air yang ditampung dalam bak air yang dipakai untuk wudhu terkadang sudah tidak bersih lagi karena telah bercampur dengan air sabun bekas mandi dan mencuci. Dilatarbelakangi dengan permasalahan yang demikian, melalui program kegiatan Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat diberikan bantuan kepada mitra berupa pembangunan sarana dan prasarana penyediaan air bersih dengan cara merekonfigurasi kembali instalasi sistem penyaluran air bersih untuk wudhu warga di musholla yang berada di RT 011 RW 003 Dusun Cilatak Desa Sukadana dengan melakukan pemasangan pompa air yang sumber listriknya berasal dari tenaga surya. Hal ini dipandang perlu karena masyarakatlah yang akan menjaga dan merawat instalasi motor pompa air bertenaga surya tersebut dimasa mendatang

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