
Utilization of multitemporal remote sensing data among others can be used todetermine thepattern of changes in urban expansion. One of the most important types of cities in urban systems isthe metropolitan urban area that covers several districts and cities. This is because the regiongenerally acts as the capital of the country, the provincial capital, and the center of economicactivities that are national or strategic. Understanding urban expansion at different metropolitanurban levels is important for expanding knowledge in times of urban growth and its impact on theenvironment. Aims in this study are: (1) utilization of multitemporal Landsat data for mapping urbanexpansion patterns, (2) knowing the effectiveness of object-based classification for mapping of urbansettlements and (3) spatiotemporal urban expansion pattern analysis in three metropolitan cities onJava Island.. In this study focused on three metropolitan urban in Java, namely DKI. Jakarta,Surabaya and Semarang. This study utilizing Landsat TM, ETM + and OLI image data to map urbansettlement land cover using object-based classification with Random Forest algorithm. Next,quantifying the typology of urban expansion and compare the spatiotemporal pattern of urbanexpansion during 2005-2015 on the results of land cover mapping. This research has found that (1)object-based classification with Random Forest algorithm is quite effective in terms of time of work tomap urban settlement cover on Landsat digital data having medium spatial resolution; (2) the threeurban metropolia is experiencing rapid and massive development and has a very variedspatiotemporal pattern; (3) Size of the city affect the pattern of urban expansion, followed by rapidexpansion of the region. Larger city size with relatively rapid expansion is more likely to experiencethe edge extension model, while smaller cities tend to develop with outlying models.

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