
Abstract. Dengue hemorrhagic fever (DHF) are acute febrile diseases, found in tropical and sub tropical regions, caused by dengue virus of the genus Flavivirus, family Flaviviridae. Sub district Pangandaran is an area that is quite a sharp increase in his case. Ranging from no cases in the period 1998-2002 increased 1 case in 2003, 4 cases in 2004, 22 cases in 2005, 35 cases in 2006, 10 cases in 2007, 12 cases in 2008, 14 cases in 2009 and 13 cases in 2010. The purpose of th is study was to determine the ability of remote sensing imagery and G1S in the determination of physical environmental factors for the mapping of areas prone to den­gue fever, dengue fever spreads are based on the distribution of cas es, places, and times from 2005 through to 2010 and determine the level of vulnerability to dengue based on envi­ronmental variables and incidence of DHF. This study is an observational research with cross sectional analysis approach. The results showed that the integration of remote sensing imagery and G1S to analyze the physical environmental risk factors associated with the spread of dengue include: land use, altitude, ra infa ll, area mosquito and fly larvae density area. Distribution pattern of dengue in the district during the last 6 years Pangandaran con­centrated in the southern region of Pangandaran sub-district, the Pangandaran village, Pananjung and Babakan. Distribution of cases based on patient characteristics dominated in the groups of children and adolescents, while based on gender, women are more exposed cases compared to male. 1ncidence of dengue fever occur each after a decline in rainfall from the previous month and decreased at the back there was an increase of ra infa ll. Zoning level of vulnerability to dengue were in the southern district of Pangandaran, the village of Pangandaran, Babakan, Pananjung, Wonoharjo and Most Sukahurip. Broad zone of high vulnerability areas in the Pangandaran sub-district DHF is 22.76 km 2 (30.07%), wide area zone vulnerability is 46.16 km 2 (60.99%) and broad zones of high vulnerability area 6.75 km 2 (8.94%). Keywords: remote sensing image, G1S, dengue risk factor, Pangandaran

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