
This research aims to demonstrate the implementation of the Anti-Corruption Law in the Banjarmasin District Court by utilizing the K-Means algorithm. Corruption, which persists in Indonesia over a prolonged period, has reached a critical level, making it crucial to enforce the law fairly and firmly. In this study, the panel of judges in the Banjarmasin District Court was analyzed using the K-Means Clustering method and silhouette coefficient to decide corruption cases that result in state losses. The research findings indicate that the optimal number of clusters is 3, with a value of 0.686. However, there is also a lowest value among the 4 clusters, which is 0.454. These clusters are then divided into three categories of enforcement, namely cases that have been executed (108 cases), cases that will be executed (26 cases), and cases that have not been executed (2 cases). All clusters have a silhouette score of 0.742, indicating successful enforcement. This research provides concrete evidence that the panel of judges in the Banjarmasin District Court has implemented the Anti-Corruption Law while considering state losses. By utilizing the K-Means algorithm, this study also contributes to a better understanding of enforcement practices in the court. It is expected that the results of this research will support efforts to enhance the implementation of the Anti-Corruption Law in Indonesia, particularly in the Banjarmasin District Court

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