
Pelvic organ prolapse (POP) and associated symptoms of urinary incontinence, fecal incontinence, obstructive micturition, defecation, and pain are frequent and awidespread disease with relevant reduction of quality of life and high costs. New insights into functional anatomy and pathophysiology of these pelvic floor dysfunctions let us recognize how ligamentous laxities/defects lead to these dysfunctions. Results of the PROpel study (ClinicalTrials.gov-Identifier: NCT00638235) are shown in which adetailed observation of symptoms (patient-related outcome measures) pre- and postoperatively was performed. Ligamentous vaginal repair of POP enables symptom cure in high percentages for urinary urge incontinence (up to 82%), nocturia (up to 92%), obstructive micturition (up to 87%), fecal incontinence (58-72%), obstructive defecation (71-84%), and pain (53-90%), if caused by POP. Women with POP‑Q stage2 have similar symptom frequencies as women with POP‑Q stage3-4, and also similar cure rates of their symptoms. If good anatomical prolapse repair (in responders) was achieved, the cure rates for obstructive micturition, urinary urgency incontinence, and nocturia were significantly higher than in those women with less effective surgical repair. In the future, pelvic floor surgery should have symptom cure as the primary objective and should lead to improved quality of life. The different, currently performed techniques for POP repair have to be investigated concerning this matter.

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