
CV Primguard Indonesia is a company engaged in the service of managing vehicle documents or documents. Information related to vehicle management is currently not optimal because it only uses customer service as the information provider, so that shorter information-related inquiries will take a lot of customer service time to explain to the customer. The purpose of this research is to provide convenience for customer service in providing an explanation of simple information that can be transferred by bot service. Meanwhile, customer service will explain information to customers if they need more detailed information. The method used is prototyping. The algorithm used is forward chaining so that it can be display the response according to the existing data. In obtaining data, using interviews, observation, and bibliography methods to produce more accurate data. The results of this research are automated bot-based information services using the telegram application. Telegram provides an API that can be used to develop bots. The bot is made using the PHP programming language, MySQL Server database, and Telegram Bot. The conclusion of this study is the use of telegram bot makes it easy for customers to get information quickly without the need to contact customer service directly if the information is only simple.

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