
 Matholi'ul Anwar Lamongan Islamic Boarding School is an Islamic educational institution that provides formal and non-formal education services in the field of Islam. Since 2009 it has carried out activities for collecting and empowering waqf, and since 2017 has been a nazir of cash waqf.
 There are 4 types of waqf managed, namely asset waqf, insurance policy waqf, Basmalah Shop waqf, and cash waqf. The current asset waqf is in the form of agricultural land covering an area of ​​5,546 m2, waqf land for dormitory and school buildings and a mosque covering an area of ​​4,501 m2, and 3 units of cars for the operation of Islamic boarding schools, as well as 1 unit of pick up car and 1 unit of viar for business operations of KSPPS Mawar. The insurance policy waqf is Rp. 3,784,890,000.00, of which the investment returns on the insurance policy waqf are used for the operation of the Islamic boarding school. Meanwhile, the Basmalah Shop waqf is a waqf of the operating results of the Basmalah Shop worth Rp. 103,920,000.00, and the cash waqf is Rp. 1,702,491,600,000. The results of the investment management of cash waqf and Basmalah Shops are not only used for operations, but also to provide scholarships to underprivileged students.
 With the large potential of cash waqf and improving the condition of waqf governance which is still not good, this community service activity provides an improvement solution, namely by training waqf governance on waqf governance standards, compiling waqf financial reporting governance, compiling waqf asset management governance, develop the governance of internal control. This community service activity will be carried out through training and assistance in preparing waqf governance standards for waqf managers at the Matholi'ul Anwar Lamongan Islamic Boarding School.
 Community service activities at the Matholi'ul Anwar Islamic Boarding School Lamongan will be carried out by the Lecturer Team of the Sharia Economics Department, Faculty of Economics and Business Universitas Airlangga (FEB Unair).
 The results of the waqf management training for waqf managers at the Matholi'ul Anwar Islamic Boarding School are the hope that after this community service activity the waqf governance at the Matholi'ul Anwar Islamic Boarding School Lamongan will be better so that it can produce useful information for planning waqf development and increase the collection of waqf and the utilization of the benefits of waqf.

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