
The low literacy of children in Sindang Jaya Village is caused by a lack of early recognition, learning assistance from parents and the lack of developing various lesson plans. In addition, the nature of children who like to play compared to learning will be difficult to train children to learn, so children only spend all day playing. Things like that result in low literacy in reading, writing, and arithmetic. Community service is carried out by carrying out fun literacy activities through simple games. This activity aims to increase children's literacy interest through fun activities. This activity is carried out by outreach to related teachers in planning the learning process. The learning process carried out with games will have a positive impact on children to improve literacy habits in reading, writing and arithmetic in everyday life. The results of the community service showed that most of the training participants, who were teachers from SD Negeri 01 and 04 Sindangjaya Village, Bekasi Regency, had understood using the snader game. This can be seen from the teacher's level of success in making and using the snader game and the results of the evaluation of the participants' understanding of the data above after participating in the training.

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