
A teacher in the current era of society 5.0 needs to develop interesting teaching materials. Students are more active in the learning process and are able to achieve learning objectives. Based on this, community service was carried out on training in the development of early grade simple media teaching materials. The choice of topics regarding the development of teaching materials is to develop teaching materials that are less diverse, some simple media are not yet specific, and do not achieve learning objectives, especially in thematic learning. The importance of community service is as a means to increase insight and knowledge as a support for thematic learning teaching materials, as a forum for more innovative learning, and add insight into the development of simple media teaching materials. The method of service is problem solving to increase the knowledge of SD Muhammadiyah 1 Sidoharjo Lamongan teachers by developing simple media teaching materials. The conclusion of service is that service activities can increase teacher knowledge, increasing participant knowledge is carried out by delivering material by simulating the development of simple media teaching materials.

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