
The purpose of implementing Community Service is to provide knowledge to teachers which includes: Strategy for writing classroom action research. The material for writing classroom action research strategies begins with introducing the activities that must be carried out by the teacher before classroom action research, explaining to the teacher to find problems that can be raised as research material, solutions that can be used as alternative learning improvements, classroom action research concepts, research designs class action, compiling a proposal for classroom action research proposal, assessing classroom action research reports, student value data is valuable data that can be analyzed and described as main data and describes how to search references from various sources. Participants also received guidance on writing classroom action research on classroom action research tutorials and practice activities. The trainees were 15 teachers from SDN 001 Rimba Sekampung. After training, the results obtained are: Increased teacher's ability to seek effective learning, Understanding Classroom Action Research Concepts, Understanding Classroom Action Research Design Arrangements, Compiling Classroom Action Research Proposals, Can provide assessment of Classroom Action Research reports.


  • The purpose of implementing Community Service is to provide knowledge to teachers which includes: Strategy for writing classroom action research

  • The material for writing classroom action research strategies begins with introducing the activities

  • to the teacher to find problems that can be raised as research material

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Seorang guru dituntut untuk lebih peka terhadap prestasi belajar siswanya. Kepekaan dan sensitivitas inilah yang akan mendorong naluri guru untuk memperbaiki proses pembelajaran. Berdasarkan hasil wawancara terhadap beberapa guru di sekolah SDN 001 Rimba Sekampung pada tanggal 25 November 2018 diperoleh bahwa pada semester ganjil terdapat beberapa kelas yang belum mencapai ketuntasan maksimal sebesar 85%. Guru dapat mencoba model-model pembelajaran untuk menyelesaikan permasalahan yang dialami oleh guru untuk meningkatkan hasil belajar siswa (Handayani, Nasikh, & Annisya’, 2017). Menurut Dini (Mulia & Suwarno, 2016) tujuan dari penulisan PTK diantaranya adalah mendapat pengalaman nyata untuk memperbaiki pembelajaran yang dapat dijadikan bahan pengembangan kurikulum di kelas dan meningkatkan profesionalisme guru. Berdasarkan hasil wawancara dengan Guru SDN 001 Rimba Sekampung di Kota Dumai diketahui bahwa guru merasa kurang pengetahuan mengenai cara untuk melakukan penelitian tindakan kelas. Berdasarkan uraian permasalahan di atas perlu dipertimbangkan dilakukan kegiatan pelatihan penelitian tindakan kelas ini bagi para guru, karena keterbatasan waktu, tenaga dan pengetahuan serta kemampuan guru-guru yang dibatasi para guru SDN 001 Rimba Sekampung. Pelatihan difokuskan pada peningkatan kemauan dan kemampuan (motivasi) guru melakukan perbaikan pembelajaran agar efektif melalui modelmodel pembelajaran

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