
Sari Ne Lemon in East Denpasar is an UKM that is active in lemon cultivation. The lemon plantation owned by Sari Ne Lemon is located in Pelaga Village, Petang District, Badung Regency. Although the lemon plantation is currently still in the village of Petang, the production and sales center is located in East Denpasar. Initially the results of the cultivation of lemon plantations were only in the form of lemons that had not undergone further processing. Currently, Sari Ne Lemon has developed lemon juice into packaged lemon juice. In its effort to develop lemon juice products, Sari Ne Lemon encountered difficulties in terms of packaging and marketing. The packaging owned by Sari Ne Lemon is still very simple, namely lemon juice is packaged and sold in plastic bottles. Therefore, the resulting product has not been able to compete in the industrial market. This service activity aims to find and implement solutions to the problems experienced by partners. Packaging that is only in the form of plastic bottles without labels will be changed into 2 types of packaging, namely labeled plastic bottle packaging and labeled plastic press glass packaging. With the activities of making branding and training on packaging of processed lemon juice products, it will produce products that have higher competitiveness and selling value. UKM Sari Ne Lemon has been helped by the successful development of their new product packaging through packaging design and implementation in 14 oz glass cups and small plastic bottles.


  • Sari Ne Lemon yang ada di Denpasar Timur adalah UKM yang aktif dalam budidaya jeruk lemon

  • an UKM that is active in lemon cultivation

  • The lemon plantation owned by Sari Ne Lemon is located in

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Pertumbuhan sektor pertanian yang sudah maju perlu menjadi perhatian pertumbuhan ekonomi di Bali (Kesumadewi et al, 2020). Pengemasan yang dimiliki oleh Sari Ne Lemon masih sangat sederhana. Pengemasan produk yang masih sangat sederhana ini belum dapat menarik minat para konsumen dalam membeli produk olahan jeruk lemon tersebut. Kegiatan pengabdian ini bertujuan untuk mencari dan menerapkan solusi atas permasalahan yang dialami oleh mitra. Penambahan label pada masingmasing kemasan bertujuan untuk memberikan identitas produk yang dimiliki oleh Sari Ne Lemon. Berdasarkan analisis situasi, permasalahan yang dihadapi oleh mitra adalah Sari Ne Lemon dalam hal pengemasan produk olahan sari lemon masih sangat sederhana dan belum memiliki daya tarik bagi konsumen. Solusi yang ditawarkan sesuai dengan permasalahan yang dialami oleh mitra adalah dengan memperbaharui dengan memberikan bantuan desain kemasan produk sari lemon dengan menggunakan kemasan botol plastik dan gelas plastik press.

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