
Teenagers are one component of society that has the potential to prosper mosques, so teenagers need to be nurtured and empowered so that they have the skills and expertise to prosper mosques in the form of knowledge about da'wah, da'wah management, leadership and emotional and spiritual intelligence. Empowering and mentoring teenagers aims to make them become good young people; namely teenagers who are pious, faithful, knowledgeable, skilled and have noble character. To develop Muslim youth, various approaches can be taken, including through mosque youth activities. The implementation can be carried out with mosque youth partners. It is hoped that an understanding of da'wah management, organization and leadership for mosque youth will provide the ability to solve problems found in society. The results of this activity show that the Remas Mosque of Al-Huda Drigu, Poncokusumo Village, Malang Regency is becoming more solid and more developed and can be more useful for the people.

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