
The East Aceh Regency Community, Women's and Family Empowerment Agency (BPMPKS) through the field of women's empowerment currently has 21 productive business groups of poor women that have been running since 2010 until now. The productive business groups of these poor women have various types of business products that are run such as making cookies, presto milkfish, pandanus matting, grocery business, salted fish production, making organic fertilizers and others. One of the matting groups that has grown rapidly from the production side is the bungong chirih women's business group, which until now has more than 20 members. The results of the woven mat products provided are in great demand by the community because of the reliability quality can be proven. But from the marketing side it still needs further improvement to be able to develop. The current PKM activity is to provide e-marketing-based entrepreneurship training. This is because so far the marketing of the production of woven mats still revolves around the local scale. So with the entrepreneurship training, it is expected that the marketing scale can be broader and reach the five countries. Based on the results of this training, every member of the Chirih Bungon group has been able to use marketing media on line to market the matting products.


  • PENDAHULUAN Istilah wirausaha muncul kemudian setelah dan sebagai padanan wiraswasta yang sejak awal sebagian orang masih kurang sreg dengan kata swasta

  • The productive business groups of these poor women have various types of business products that are run such as making cookies

  • The results of the woven mat products provided are in great demand by the community

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1) Program Studi Manajemen, Fakultas Ekonomi, Universitas Samudra, Indonesia 2) Program Studi Bahasa Indonesia, Fakultas Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidkan, Universitas Samudra, Indonesia. Kelompok usaha produktif perempuan miskin ini memiliki beraneka jenis produk usaha yang dijalankan diantaranya pembuatan kue kering, bandeng presto, anyaman tikar pandan, usaha kelontong, produksi ikan asin, pembuatan pupuk organik dan lain-lain. Salah satu kelompok anyaman tikar yang sudah berkembang pesat dari sisi produksi adalah kelompok usaha perempuan bungong chirih yang sampai saat ini sudah memeiliki anggota 20 orang lebih. Hasil produk anyaman tikar yang diberikan banyak diminati oleh masyarakat karena dari sisi kualitas bisa dibuktikan keandalannya. Kegiatan PKM yang dilakukan saat ini adalah untuk memberikan pelatihan kewirausahaan berbasis e-marketing. Jadi dengan adanya pelatihan kewirausahaan ini diharapkan skala pemasaran bisa lebih luas dan sampai kemanca negara. Berdasarkan hasil pelatihan ini setiap anggota dari kelompok bungon chirih sudah dapat menggunakan media pemasaran secara on line untuk memasarkan produk hasil anyaman tikar tersebut.

Penyusunan Modul Pelatihan oleh Tim
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