
Title: Violations of Territoriality at Mixue Urip Sumoharjo Outlet
 The food and beverage industry in Indonesia is growing rapidly. One of them is the Mixue outlet, which has mushroomed since 2020. In its development, the strategic location of the Mixue Urip Sumoharjo outlet has made this outlet relatively busy with visitors. This study aims to analyze territorial violations committed by visitors to the Mixue Urip Sumoharjo outlet in response to the narrow dimensions of the Mixue outlet space. The author made systematic observations and analyzed the spatial layout in the first stage. After that, they observed the dine-in area and divided the space into three categories: primary territory, secondary territory, and public territory. The next stage is to analyze and describe territorial violations through layout diagrams in each area. This study found that the dimensions of space influence the user's behavioral response to fulfilling personal space.

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