
In order to carry out the above tasks and responsibilities, a teacher is required to have certain abilities and skills. These abilities and skills are part of the teacher's professionalism competence. To make teachers as professionals, it is necessary to hold coaching continuously and continuously, and make teachers as necessary labor paid attention to, valued and recognized professionalism. Teacher performance will be good if the teacher has done the elements consisting of loyalty and commitment who are high on teaching, mastering and developing learning material, discipline in teaching and other tasks, creativity in implementation teaching, collaboration with all school members, leadership that becomes role models of students, good personality, honest and objective in guiding students, as well as responsibilities for their assignments. This research is a school action research study subject of teachers and principals. This research is Ubung 4 Elementary School, 2018/2019 school year. In this study consisted of two cycles. Where in each cycle consists of planning, action, observation, evaluation and reflection. Data collection through observation and tests. Data collection techniques in this study besides using observation also use direct assessment. The results of the study explained that the teacher performance appraisal in the second cycle can be seen that teachers who have a good performance appraisal performance there are 10 teachers or 100% of the total teachers observed in this study. In addition, it can be seen that the average teacher performance assessment in the second cycle shows a value of 80 or included in either category. Thus it can be known that the performance of teachers in SD NoNegeri 4 Ubung in the 2018/2019 school year experienced an increase after the supervision of the principal was carried out more structured in this second cycle. Improved teacher performance appraisal can be seen from the initial assessment has a 6.69 increased to 80. The results of the evaluation of the implementation of the second cycle in this study can be seen that there is an increase in motivation and performance of teachers in SD Negeri 4 Ubung Denpasar in 2018/2019 Academic Year. Where originally the motivation of the average teacher was on cycle II has shown good judgment. Meanwhile teacher performance in cycle II also showed a significant increase where from the results of the teacher's performance evaluation in the second cycle shows that the assessment Teacher performance shows good judgment. Thus it can be concluded that the implementation of supervision of school principals can improve motivation and performance of teachers in SD Negeri 4 Ubung in the 2018/2019 Academic Year.

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