
The handling of Juvenile Justice, diversion or peace efforts by bringing together victims and offenders and their families shall be carried out by law enforcement officials. By 2015 the number of cases of children as much as 5 kasus.Jumlah Cilacap Police diversion is done yet, but it has been done in the Police Central Cilacap. Therefore it is interesting to study. This study aims to investigate the implementation of diversion for children who commit criminal offenses in Cilacap Police Jurisdiction can contribute ideas and Science regarding the juvenile justice system. It is also to contribute to society on the implementation of diversion for children who commit criminal offenses in the police station jurisdiction Cilacap. To achieve these objectives, the authors use the method of juridical sociological. The study states that, implementation of diversion for children who commit criminal offenses in the jurisdiction of Police Cilacap done in several stages, the preparatory phase of diversion, diversion deliberation, and diversion agreement. Preliminary stage diversion process is done by calling the interested parties. Diversion is done with a preparation that call the various parties, namely the Son and the parent/guardian or consort, Victim and/or parent / guardian, supervisor of community, social worker professionals, community representatives, That the parties deemed necessary to be involved in deliberations versioned. Phase deliberations diversions opened by facilitator diversion with the introduction of the parties present, convey the intent and purpose of deliberation diversion. Diversion Stage results must be submitted by the employer directly responsible for all levels of examination (meaning in the process of investigation, prosecution and court examination) to the District Court for Determination issued and institutionally competent authority issuing Determination is the Chairman of Cilacap District Court. Not all cases of children in police Resort Cilacap applied versioned, only to cases that can be reconciled only do versioned. Constraints in the implementation of diversion for children who commit criminal offenses in the law region resor Cilacap Police , driven by factors thats, factor law enforcement, lack of understanding of law enforcement officers (police) about the meaning and purpose of diversion and the low awareness of law enforcement to implement a diversion to make the child offender processed up to the court, so it ended up in jail. Â Keywords: justice system child, criminal, law enforcement


  • The handling of Juvenile Justice, diversion or peace efforts by bringing together victims and offenders and their families shall be carried out by law enforcement officials

  • This study aims to investigate the implementation of diversion for children who commit criminal offenses in Cilacap Police Jurisdiction can contribute ideas and Science regarding the juvenile justice system

  • Http://yesfmcilacap.com/polisi_waj ib_laksanakan_diversi_dalam_per adilan_anak_berita3044.html, diakses pada tanggal 28

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Dalam penanganan Peradilan Anak, upaya diversi atau perdamaian dengan mempertemukan korban dan pelaku beserta keluarganya wajib dilakukan oleh aparat penegak hukum. Permasalahan lain yang timbul yaitu anak memang harus dilindungi demi tumbuh kembangnya di masa yang akan datang, namun demikian bagaimana apabila anak tersebut telah melakukan tindak pidana dalam batas. Hal ini tentunya menjadi konflik bagi aparat penegak hukum, karena melalui Undang-Undang 11 Tahun 2012 tentang Sistem Peradilan Pidana, hakim dituntut untuk memberikan kearifan dan hukuman yang edukatif, namun disisi lain prevensi general yaitu terlindunginya kepentingan masyarakat nantinya akan terabaikan. Bagaimana pelaksanaan diversi bagi anak yang melakukan tindak pidana di Wilayah Hukum Polres Cilacap? 2. Apa yang menjadi kendala dalam pelaksanaan diversi bagi anak yang melakukan tindak pidana di Wilayah Hukum Polres Cilacap?.

11 Tahun 2012 Tentang Sistem
Kendala Pelaksanaan Diversi
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