
To the Editor.— It is no secret that the meetings of the Canadian and American Medical associations have suffered lately from severe malattendance. Some blame it on unpopular official policies, others on unpalatable scientific programs. Here, in the sticks, we see a much more obvious culprit—the convention site. Plainly, there is little attraction in dilapidated boardwalks or in noisy streets of oft-visited cities. The key to a better attendance is a more appealing locale. And what, pray, can be more enticing than Peking? Let us then, cutting red tape and ignoring red herrings, reroute our national and international meetings to Red China, where behind the Great Wall in the shadows of ancient pagodas, we can blend the latest in medical science with the distillate of Mao's Thoughts. Endorsing this suggestion, our local poets, abetted by that visiting great Hawaiian bard, G. G. Liddle, composed an appropriate poem which, hopefully, will

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