
This study investigated the peer-to-peer (P2P) trading price and strategy based on market-driven methods within a residential microgrid consists of two prosumers (i.e., P1 and P2) and one consumer (i.e., C1), which establishes a diverse microgrid trading market in terms of peer characteristics (e.g., system configurations and electrical load profile). Five cases are proposed in this study considering different electricity market types (i.e., peer-to-grid and P2P markets), retail tariff systems (i.e., progressive and time-of-use (ToU) tariff systems) as well as market-driven P2P trading pricing models (i.e., uniform and individual pricing models). Peer electrical load data are collected from three typical four-person households in Hong Kong along with their domestic electrical appliance utilization pattern. The results indicate that the individual pricing model has led to the dynamics of P2P electricity trading price than the uniform pricing model, and P2P trading is more economically efficient under the ToU tariff system. The maximum electricity bill saving of the entire microgrid can be achieved by 31.33% in summer and by 43.02% in winter. Besides, it is observed that the installation of battery energy storage system (BESS) has facilitated the self-consumption ratio of the renewable energy system to 91.98% in summer and 100% in winter. This implies that the BESS plays a pivotal role in improving the flexibility in managing the P2P trading strategy, and enhancing the efficiency in electricity dispatching within the microgrid. This study contributes to the novelty in science since it provides a comprehensive framework that can adapt to changing market conditions.

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