
Local electricity markets and peer-to-peer (P2P) trading schemes in buildings have recently gained importance as an efficient way to incentivize energy flexibility (e.g. consumer demand response or storage) and to share local energy resources (e.g. solar PV). This paper proposes local electricity markets for a complex of industrial buildings. We study P2P electricity trading and analyze the role of sharing local flexibility, e.g. a large battery, to maximise the use of distributed energy resource (DER) technologies. The objective is to investigate the value of P2P electricity trading in combination with on-site flexibility resources for a Norwegian industrial site. As the industrial consumers are exposed to a substantial peak power charge for grid usage, the study analyses how a local market affect the peak power demand management. To analyze it, we developed a linear programming model that represents the local power system characteristics of the buildings and simulate one year in operations. Results indicate potential savings on reducing electricity costs in the range of 6.8% to 11.0% based on P2P trading features. The total cost of peak power is reduced up to 25%, making peak shaving the largest contributor to the net cost savings. Moreover, the industrial site consumes more distributed generation locally, with no DER power curtailment and reduced grid feed-in.


  • Local energy systems, such as rooftop solar photovoltaic (PV) systems, end-use energy storages, small-scale wind farms, and distributed energy resources (DERs) in general, are rapidly entering the power market [1]

  • Based on local market designs recently proposed for residential communities [7,13,14], this paper proposes a P2P electricity trading for an industrial site

  • We developed a P2P trading model to evaluate the benefits of different DERs configurations and market designs centered on the role of on-site flexibility

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Local energy systems, such as rooftop solar photovoltaic (PV) systems, end-use energy storages, small-scale wind farms, and distributed energy resources (DERs) in general, are rapidly entering the power market [1] This is being further accelerated by technology development of batteries, smart grid technologies, deregulation, and the raise of prosumers and energy communities [2,3,4]. Some increasingly employed solutions are the installation of distributed generation, load shifting, and the implementation of on-site flexibility [10,11,12] In this setting, an interesting option for industrial buildings would be to engage in P2P energy trade to jointly shave their peaks and reduce the electricity bill. The on-site DERs consist of decentralized building energy features, such as load shifting, electric vehicle (EV) parking lot, PV systems and combined heat and power (CHP), and a shared community battery (see Fig. 1).

Related literature
Modelling buildings in an industrial site
Local electricity market designs
Model formulation
The total cost of grid electricity for a Norwegian industrial prosumer
Peer-to-peer trading rules
Reference case
P2P case
Building features and demand profiles
Distributed generation and flexibility assets
Electricity prices
Evaluation of the buildings benefits and cooperation
Sensitivity analyses
Full Text
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