
All papers published in this volume of IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering have been peer reviewed through processes administered by the Editors. Reviews were conducted by expert referees to the professional and scientific standards expected of a proceedings journal published by IOP Publishing.- Type of peer review: Single-blind, where reviewer’s identities are kept hidden from authors. - Conference submission management system: Open Conference Systems (OCS). Open Conference Systems (OCS) is a free Web publishing tool that will create a complete Web presence. Our OCS is managed by Universitas Sumatera Utara. - Number of submissions received: 152 papers - Number of submissions sent for review: 152 papers - Number of submissions accepted: 143 papers - Acceptance Rate (Number of Papers Accepted / Number of Papers Received x 100%): 143/152 x 100% = 94.1% - Average number of reviews per paper: 1 review per paper - Total number of reviewers involved: 14 reviewers - Any additional info on review process: Before being reviewed, all papers were checked their similarities by a ‘text-matching’ software in order to avoid plagiarism and duplicate submission. Then, each papers were peer reviewed by the appropriate experts. It took 2-3 weeks for the reviewed papers. If the paper needs revising, it should be resubmitted for peer review again. The passed papers should meet the following criteria:1. Manuscripts must be written in English;2. The manuscript should be written in accordance with the standard of template;3. The topics of paper should be relevant to conference topics;4. Plagiarism and duplicate submission are prohibited;5. Innovation and scientific value is a must. Contact person for queries: Irvan (irvan@usu.ac.id) & TALENTA CEST Committee (talentacest@usu.ac.id)

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