
The training of medical professionals does not end with graduation – continuing professional development (CPD) should be integrated in the professional life of each medical professional. Peer groups, an innovative format of CPD, were launched in the Netherlands in 1979. Subsequently, in 1980-1990, this format spread to other European countries and became an important method of quality improvement in primary health care. Research on peer groups is rare, and especially for Eastern Europe. The purpose of this study, which is unique for the region and Ukraine, is to describe the context and results of implementation and functioning of the first peer groups in Ukraine among doctors, nurses, and primary care managers. The methodology of the study is a case study, which was implemented through (a) data analysis – a description of the experience that was independently prepared by the facilitators of the newly created peer groups, reflected in text and graphic information on posters, and voiced their stories orally during the Congress of Peer Group Facilitators (October 2021), (b) analysis of facilitators’ publications on social media that highlight their experience, (c) analysis of semi-structured interviews during supervision and organizational meetings on the implementation and development of peer groups, (d) analysis of an expert interview with a Swiss medical doctor who was also involved in the development of peer groups in Ukraine. The results of the study are as follows: more than half of the trained facilitators have created their own peer groups; such groups have been functioning for several years despite COVID-19 and Russia’s full-scale invasion of the sovereign territory of Ukraine. Facilitators and participants of peer groups emphasize not only the educational contribution of peer groups to their profession, but also the social and psychological one. Barriers to the creation and sustainability of peer groups include lack of management support, lack of time, motivation and formal incentives (CPD points). Peer groups as one of the approaches to continuous professional development are gradually creating a culture of learning in healthcare facilities, bringing more trust in the interaction of professionals with each other and improving the quality of care provided.

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