
Purpose - Social media became an essential element of marketing as individuals share their thoughts, experiences and opinions globally through social network sites. Social media effects consumers’ thoughts about unfamiliar brands more than ever now. The comments and opinions of peers about product/services on social media affects purchase intentions of the consumers. The aim of this study is to examine the effect of peer communication on social media over attitudes towards products and purchase intention. Previous studies mostly have concentrated on the effects of firms’ social media communication effects. This study focuses on peer communication on social media instead. Methodology - In this study peer group identification, peer communication, attitude towards product and purchase intention through the utilization of scales by Algesheimer, Dholakia and Hermann (2005), Moschis and Churchill (1978), Crites, Fabrigar and Petty (1994) and Houlahan and Gabriel (1975) are utilized. Findings- According to the results of the study social media peer identification, increases consumption based peer communication. There is also a significant relationship between attitude towards products and purchase intention. Conclusion- As seen in this study, social media communications’ effect on consumption habits are not at expected levels. Firms should focus on applications triggering social media communication of individuals which would affect purchase intention positively.

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