
Mobile phones usages are emerging as fast as the evolution of a man. Starting from the sunrise to sunset people are constantly using the mobile phone. It has more features like gaming, music, camera, alarm, etc. and people are using it to perform their day-to-day tasks. Even though the mobile phone has a lot of benefits, it also leads to life threatening problems due to pedestrian collision. The probability of such incidents may happen, when the pedestrians are not taking their eyes form the mobile phone while walking or crossing the road, so they met with an accident which causes serious injuries. To avoid such happenings and to notify the pedestrians about the obstacles, a mobile application called Pedwarn is developed with the help of built in phone sensors like accelerometer sensor, gyroscope sensor. It provides solutions to the problem without prior knowledge of the surroundings by calculating the distance to the nearby objects with phone speakers and microphones. The obstacles are detected within 2–4 m. Its accuracy is also strengthened by using the visual detector which will capture the images of the surrounding with the rear camera. Pedwarn is evaluated using variety of environmental settings and in different devices which are common in our day to day surroundings. The power consumed by each and every component is measured periodically of about one hour. Averages of Pedwarn measurements is noted that, its detection accuracy is 95% higher and 2%.

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