
Tropical regions such as Java, Indonesia, still lack publication of soil water retention (SWR) information, particularly at upper Citarum watershed. The SWR is one of the critical elements in water storage and movement in the soil and very important to solve ecological and environmental problems. However, getting the access requires a lot of laboratory meas-urement that is time-consuming and expensive. Therefore, utilizing pedotransfer functions (PTFs) to estimate the water in the soil is needed. This study aims to define soil properties related to the SWR and to evaluate the performance of existing PTFs in predicting SWR. The study was carried out at agroforestry land system soil at upper Citarum watershed, Indonesia. Ten point and two continuous existing PTFs developed for tropical regions were applied in this study. Pearson's correlation (r), mean error (ME), root mean square error (RMSE), and modelling efficiency (EF) were used for evaluation. Cation exchange capacity (CEC), organic carbon (OC), bulk density (BD), and clay were considered as potential soil properties for soil water retention prediction. The performance of PTFs by MINASNY, HARTEMINK [2011] at matric potential of –10 kPaand BOTULA [2013] at matric potential of –33 kPa and –1500 kPa were recommended for point PTFs, while PTFs by HODNETT, TOMASELLA [2002] was for continuous PTFs in predicting SWR. The accuracy of the point PTFs is almost better than the continuous PTFs in predicting SWR in agroforestry land system soil at upper Citarum watershed, Indonesia.

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