
Presently in the society main pathetic and cruel news is sexual harassment as well as molestation towards children, girls,women even old age people also. By keeping this concept to make people aware have taken this initiation to put lighton a very interesting topic i.e. Pedophilia. Pedophilia is a type of illness in conventional usage, a psychosexual disorder,commonly affecting adults, manifested by sexual interest in preteen children or attempts to engage in sexual acts withprepubescent children. The word pedophilia originates from the Greek παῖς, παιδός (paîs, paidós) means “child”, andφιλία (philía), “friendly love” or “friendship”. The term paedophilia erotica was thought up in an 1886 article by theViennese psychiatrist Richard von Krafft-Ebing. According to the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders,fourth edition text revised the fantasies, sexual urges or behaviors must cause clinically significant distress or impairmentin social, occupational or other important areas of daily functioning. Some psychological treatment ways for treating thisdisease are Cognitive-behavioral Therapy (CBT), Psychodynamic Therapy, Neurobiological Interventions etc.

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