
Purpose Given the marked increase in evidence-based information regarding the nature/treatment of stuttering, coupled with the fact that pediatricians tend to be one of the initial points of contact for parents who suspect their preschool-age child may stutter, this study explored pediatricians' (a) accuracy in identifying children who may stutter and (b) likelihood of referring children who present with a profile indicative of stuttering to speech-language pathologists. Method Pediatricians recruited nationally through professional organizations completed a 5- to 7-min online survey that probed stuttering identification and referral practices via responses to experimental case vignettes. Each vignette featured a 4-year-old boy with a family history of stuttering whose mother reported signs of stuttering and manipulation of two factors: stuttering during the pediatrician visit (or not) and negative communication attitude (or not). Results Our findings suggest pediatricians' identification and referral of children who may stutter is largely prompted by observation of overt speech behaviors and/or negative communication attitude. Participants' gender, years in practice, and experience working with children who stutter did not influence likelihood of referral. Conclusions Results indicate pediatricians are less likely to implement a "wait and see" approach with young children who stutter today than in the past. Unlike other common child onset diagnoses, however, parent report of atypical behavior does not yield pediatrician referral to a specialist. Future education and advocacy efforts directed toward pediatricians should emphasize inclusion of factors other than direct observation of stuttering behavior that may warrant referral (e.g., parent report).

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