
data using questionnaires administered in association with its various examinations and through a tracking system that provides an annual update of residents and fellows in training. These data provide critical information regarding trainees and practitioners in pediatrics and the overall workforce landscape. The Journal of Pediatrics will publish a regular series of these workforce reports; the first appears below. This introductory paper highlights the current workforce for general pediatrics and provides a brief overview of pediatric subspecialties. Future papers will feature workforce data on each of the 13 subspecialties for which the ABP administers examinations, according to the order in which the first examinations were administered: Cardiology (1961), Hematology-Oncology (1974), Nephrology (1974), Neonatal-Perinatal Medicine (1975), Endocrinology (1978), Pulmonology (1986), Critical Care Medicine (1987), Gastroenterology (1990), Emergency Medicine (1992), Rheumatology (1992), Adolescent Medicine (1994), Infectious Diseases (1994), and Developmental-Behavioral Pediatrics (2002). We welcome your comments. —William F. Balistreri, MD, Editor-in-Chief, The Journal of Pediatrics, James A. Stockman, III, MD, President, the American Board of Pediatrics, Linda A. Althouse, PhD, Director of Psychometrics, American Board of Pediatrics SPECIAL ARTICLE

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