
Simple SummaryAbout 4 million children with an oncological disease worldwide require palliative care due to the nature of their condition. The WHO defines pediatric palliative care (PPC) as the prevention and relief of suffering in patients with life-threatening or life-limiting disease and their families. PPC relies on the comprehensive and multidisciplinary management of the child and the family’s physical, psychological, spiritual, and social needs. Importantly, PPC begins at the diagnosis of incurability, or supposed incurability, and continues regardless of whether the patient receives any oncological treatment. As such, PPC is a general approach continuing over the entire disease trajectory, which includes, but is not limited to, end-of-life care. This review addresses the value of integrating PPC in treating children with cancer, focusing on the basic principles of PPC and its application in pediatric oncology.About 4 million children with an oncological disease worldwide require pediatric palliative care (PPC) due to the nature of their condition. PPC is not limited to end-of-life care; it is a general approach continuing over the entire disease trajectory, regardless of whether the patient receives any oncological treatment. This review addresses the value of integrating PPC in treating children with cancer, focusing on the basic principles of PPC and its application in pediatric oncology. Moreover, models for PPC implementation in oncology, end-of-life care, and advanced care planning are discussed.

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