
Congenital anomalies of the atrium, pulmonary venous return, and systemic venous return are often regarded as anatomical contraindications to orthotopic cardiac transplantation. Among our pediatriec transplant patients, 10 children aged 3 to 15 years, weighing 9 to 45 kg, and all previously operated on for a total of 18 interventions had 32 anomalies needing correction at the time of transplantation. Besides the 18 instances of great vessel abnormalities, 14 anomalies of the atrium and of the venous return were encountered either alone or in combination: single atrium or previous septectomy (4), hypoplastic left atrium (2), previous Mustard procedure (1), cor triatriatum (1), anomalous pulmonary venous return (3), and anomalous systemic venous return (3). The preparation of the donor heart was modified in four ways: right atrial paraseptal incision, left atrial flap technique, full-length mobilization of the pulmonary arteries, and aortic arch incision. Correction of the atrial and venous return anomalies was carried out at the time of orthotopic transplantation with the following techniques: atrial septation, atrial enlargement, superior systemic venous return reroofing, inferior systemic venous return reroofing, double venous rerouting (pulmonary and systemic), and septal realignment. One child died of pulmonary hypertension in the early postoperative period. After a follow-up ranging from 1 month to 52 months, all survivors are asymptomatic. Based on echocardiography, heart catheterization, and angiography, there are no stenoses and no shunts, and the atrial dimensions are good. Based on the results achieved with these surgical techniques, we conclude that most atrial lesions, anomalous pulmonary venous returns, and anomalous systemic venous returns are correctable at the time of orthotopic transplantation and do not preclude a successful outcome in children.

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