
Pedagogical communication is the professional communication of a teacher with students in the educational process. Such communication is aimed at creating conditions for the formation of a comprehensively developed personality, allows you to manage the socio-psychological processes in the team and create an effective psychological climate. The content of communication is determined by the purpose set by the teacher in the learning process. Communication does not work without a common goal. The effectiveness of communication depends on its purpose, content, motives, means, and adherence to norms. Younger students do not understand the purpose of communication, they are not voters. In the upper classes, on the contrary, it is perceived and selective. Not paying enough attention to the student's personality in the learning process, preferring only teaching methods, results in major pedagogical shortcomings. Therefore, the teacher should always try to establish effective pedagogical communication when working with students. In order to successfully communicate and interact with students, a teacher must first properly assess his or her own personality. Self-awareness and self-management should be a constant concern of every teacher. Key words: pedagogical process, pedagogical communication, teacher, student, communication content, communication activity

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