
The petroleum industry in Nigeria contributes a huge percentage to the national revenue of the country, to the extent that budgets are being passed based on the oil price dynamics. With the importance the petroleum sector has attained in Nigeria, it is expected that the country's pedagogy will reflect the value it contributes to the national table. However, reviews, surveys, and works of literature have shown otherwise. As a result, this study emphasizes the importance of petroleum engineering pedagogy in-country as an oil-producing country, the university curriculum of petroleum engineering in Nigeria was also examined (with a particular focus on the impact of poor curriculum on national development), and the dynamics between the university, industry and government were critically discussed and recommended practices for improving petroleum engineering pedagogy were made. This study targets national development and control over its own resources through a knowledge economy and seamless dynamics of information within the oil and gas industry. The Nigerian government, through the Federal Ministry of Education, is further expected to capitalize on the outcomes of this research for curriculum review of petroleum engineering and related courses offered in-country to foster sustainability in a competing global society.

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