
The present work aims to analyze the academic productions that address Environmental Education in the Pará Amazon, arising from the continuous formation of the Postgraduate Programs, as well as the pedagogical practices of their graduates in the scope of Basic Education. The question of research is the following: does the formation offered by post-graduate programs (PPGs) stricto sensu in the Amazon, in particular at UFPA, have the potential of strengthening pedagogical practices in Basic Education, contributing with the overcoming of the depoliticized, uncritical, naive and naturalistic vision still very present in the Pará teaching institutions? To answer this question, we carried out qualitatively a documentary research, with carrying out content analysis from 15 master's dissertations on the subject on screen. The results obtained by means of a survey carried out in the training units of the Metropolitan Region of Belém, it should be noted that, in the preliminary survey carried out in the PPGs of the universities and private and public training centers, it was found that UFPA had intellectual production pertinent to the construction of the research corpus. It is concluded that the relevance of the study for the theme of Basic Education and Environmental Education in the Amazon is in mapping what has been researched and produced in the training field of teachers and the impacts on pedagogical practices in the primary school and, consequently, their contribution to educational development in the Pará Amazon.

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