
In degree research the problem of forming of key competences of primary school students is considered by facilities of game technologies. Modernization of modern primary education today is above all things related to introduction in the educational process of technologies which create the terms of the active including of students in independent cognitive activity. Game technologies play a considerable role among such technologies. Theoretical aspects of the organization of the process of formation of key competencies of primary school students by means of game technologies are introduced and substantiated in the article. The existing eleven key competencies of primary school students are considered. Effective methods of learning using game technologies in primary school lessons are characterized.The types of game technologies are considered, the concepts of “game technologies”, “game activity”, “game” are described. Research results were obtained, which can be implemented in further practice in general educational institutions of Ukraine.We consider the prospects for further scientific research to be research aimed at the study and formation of key competencies of junior high school students in various types of game activities.
 Keywords: pedagogical potential; pedagogical environment; key competencies; competence approach; 6‒7 years old primary schoolchildren; game technologies; game activity; classification of games technologies.

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