
The formation of reading literacy is an important component of the school’s social studies course, as it promotes the development of critical thinking skills, information analysis, self-study of sources, and also allows you to get a broad overview of knowledge about social processes and phenomena. In today’s information-rich world, the ability to analyze and understand texts is becoming increasingly important. Reading literacy allows students to consciously work with texts, identify their main idea, arguments and evidence, and evaluate the reliability and reliability of in- formation. It also helps students distinguish facts from opinions, recognize rhetorical techniques and logical errors in the text. Through the study of texts of a social science orientation, students learn about various social problems, political and cultural phenomena, as well as about the historical and modern development of society. This helps them develop analytical thinking and form their own position on various social issues. The article presents options for tasks when working with various types of text in a school social studies course: scientific and popular science texts, normative texts.

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