
Professional subjectivity of primary school teachers in the article considered as a system of psychological and pedagogical phenomenon, which is defined as the integral of their professional qualities. It is formed during the preparation of vocational training in pedagogical university, which not only determines the ratio of teachers to pedagogical activity, and forms his subjective position and stimulates the activity of this activity, which ultimately directly affects the success of pedagogical activity of teachers in primary school.
 Stressed that pedagogical modeling - a method of creating and learning pedagogical models, ie, a reflection of the basic characteristics of certain pedagogical systems (process, phenomenon) in a specially designed facility - in the pedagogical model in the form of mental representations or material implementation of the educational process (phenomenon), which adequately reflects the studied object of pedagogical reality, in this article - the process of formation of professional subjectivity of future teachers primary school.
 Bring that teacher modeling of the process of formation of professional subjectivity of future elementary school teachers allows to prove logical, informative and methodical sequence of its formation due to the linkages between the main components of their training and to give the subject-activity character.
 It was emphasized that targeted its formation helps the subject-activity model, which justified taking into account the basic methodological principles of pedagogical modeling and is purposefully and methodological, substantive, methodically-prakseologichnogo, assessment and effective and subject-subject components.

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