
Abstract Objective: Characterize pedagogical innovation in the context of internationalization of French-language education on the example of international study programme in French language - Sales management at the Faculty of Trade of the University of Economics in Bratislava and testing of its attractiveness from the perspective of the relationship between students and educational institution. Methodology: Article deals with the analysis of the influence of internationalization of the university education within the study programme Management of sale, as well survey of the opinions of its graduates. Findings: Pedagogical innovation is not only the tool of the educational policy but also creates conditions of the project European term and excellence in the development of Professional competences of the future managers. Value Added: International study programme in French language overcomes cultural and disciplinary barriers and contributes to offsetting of the national and international differences. Recommendations: Introducing of pedagogical innovations is the tool of new approaches, strategies, methods, as well as new content and new organization of education to guarantee employability of students on the home and international markets.

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