
The problem and the goal. The policy of family placement of orphaned children and children left without parental care has actualized the problem of finding the most resourceful substitute families. The goal is to ensure the quality of life of a child in a substitute family, the coincidence of the interests of the family and the child, the prevention of the return of children to social institutions. The way is to create digital services for finding a resource family for a child. The purpose of the article. Scientific substantiation of the theoretical and methodological foundations of creating a digital service for future substitute parents. Methodology. Digitalization is increasingly being introducing into social relations. The figure brings considerable convenience in the process of receiving social services, individualization of social security, inclusion in the social life of people with health restrictions, expansion of social interpersonal contacts. At the same time, it is precisely social relations that, during the transition to digitalization, are most exposed to the risks of escaping from reality, disrupting socialization, and deforming interpersonal relationships. When developing digital services of a social nature. It is necessary to take into account strict scientific approach in the selection of information, to maintain the orientation of the service to a person, his development and humanism, to focus on public goals and values, to take into account the risks of using digital technologies in the process of organizing public life. In conclusion, it is concluding that these theoretical and methodological guidelines were fully taking into account by the developers of the digital platform for future substitute parents. The digital service was developed by specialists of the Sunny City Charitable Foundation in Novosibirsk and included a set of tools with which future substitute parents could assess their parental potential, get acquainted with the socio-psychological characteristics of the future foster child and find common ground between the interests of the child and the family. The service was aiming at developing social participation of citizens in solving the problem of orphanhood.

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