
Relevance. In the current geopolitical situation, military personnel have a great responsibility to ensure national security. The fulfillment of this task is impossible without the training of qualified personnel in higher military educational organizations. The use of small arms retains its importance in modern combat. In this regard, the presented work is relevant.
 Purpose. The aim of the work is to design and construct pedagogical technology for the formation of readiness of future officers of security units in departmental educational organizations for professional activities related to the use of small arms.
 The method or methodology of the work. The methodological basis of the research is formed by methods of quantitative and qualitative analysis, synthesis, diagnostic experiment and pedagogical observations.
 Results. The results of the work are to present and substantiate the effectiveness of the use of the didactic information complex during the teaching of Fire training in higher military educational organizations.
 The scope of the results. The results of the research can be applied in the field of methodology of teaching individual academic disciplines in higher military educational organizations.

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