
In the context of Ukraine's rapid integration into European economic, political, cultural, and educational structures. The availability of a sufficient level of communication skills is of major importance, as is being on par with professional competence. The study used a range of research methods: analysis, systematization of psychological and pedagogical sources, and generalization of effective pedagogical conditions for the development of future philologists' communicative skills. The study particularly highlights the dominant pedagogical conditions for the formation of future philologists' communicative skills, which are as follows: incorporating a personality-oriented approach in the educational process, principally in the organization of communicative activities for philology students; forming aspect of the positive motivation of future specialists aimed at active self-study; the use of a set of thematic materials of linguistic and sociocultural orientation implies strict compliance with the latest relevant and modern scientific developments; the use of interactive tools in professional communication through the introduction of contextual communication technology techniques; ensuring a psychological climate at lectures, practical classes, and during extracurricular activities for all participants in the educational process. The obtained results of the study will be used to substantiate the methodology of pedagogical conditions for the formation of future philologists' communicative skills as prospects for further research.

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