
Topicality of the problem lies in today’s needs of economic development of our country. For realization of this task we need socialized, competitive young people, who seek to prosperity and strengthening of their country. The aim of this article is to reveal pedagogical conditions of successful socialization of senior pupils in the school labor unions. The leading method of research of this problem is systematical approach, which allows us to find pedagogical conditions of successful socialization of senior pupils in school labor unions. As a result of this research the experience of pedagogical practice of socialization process of senior pupils in secondary schools was learned. Also were found criteria and appropriate indicator of senior pupils’ socialization in labor unities through the pupils’ relations with labor and through their labor activities. We revealed capability of school labor unions of senior pupils in new economic conditions, which help socialize senior pupils. We identified pedagogical conditions, which help socialize senior pupils in school labor unions. Finally, we developed the system of senior pupils’ socialization in labor unions. The use of this system allows us to reach dynamics of grow of the senior pupils’ socialization level. Materials of the article can be useful for research of problems of labor upbringing, for practicians, who are responsible for organization of school labor unions’ activity.

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