
The author theoretically justifies and concretizes the methodological foundations of formation of performance stability of master students of musical art, as well as defines the pedagogical conditions as appropriate methodological guidelines for effective implementation of these principles. The pedagogical conditions as defined by the author are based on such principles of vocal training process organization as the principle of consistency, consistency and continuity in performing activity production, and the principle of crosscutting use and strategic planning of educational vocal-performance activity. The specificity of organization of pedagogical conditions for the formation of performance stability in master students consists in the accumulation of positive experience of vocal performance in the process of vocal training. The implementation of the mentioned principles is carried out by involving various, both traditional and non-traditional forms of vocal and singing activities. Crosscutting application of traditional and non-traditional forms of vocal performance in the process of vocal training enables Master students to master practical knowledge, skills and abilities of vocal performance; this creates basis for fundamental preparation of vocal-pedagogical repertoire necessary for stable performance of vocal compositions.Key words: Masters of Music, performing stability, methodological foundations, pedagogical conditions, principles of vocal training organization, positive experience of vocal performance, traditional and non-traditional forms of vocal performance activity.

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