
The new millennium clearly demonstrates the rapid development of new technologies. Its beginning is connected with the peculiarity of the development of society, which is influenced by the tendencies of digitalization of all spheres of human life, including education. Against the background of the penetration of digital technologies into all spheres of people’s lives, the problem of forming the digital competence of citizens becomes especially relevant. Under the current conditions of education development, there are increased requirements for the formation of digital competencies of applicants. The article reveals the pedagogical conditions for the formation of digital competencies of specialists in the information and educational environment of higher education establishments of Ukraine in connection with the active implementation of the concept of “Industry 4.0” worldwide. The education as a determining factor in the humanity development in the context of digitalization should ensure the personal growth of higher education, the formation of all necessary professional competencies and competitiveness in the world labor market. The relevance of the study of the phenomenon of “pedagogical conditions” (interpreted as a set of teaching methods and tools implemented by educational institutions in the process of training and aimed at the formation of digital competence in the study of professional disciplines), identified 10 basic pedagogical conditions. The importance of digital educational environment, information security, innovative technologies, educational and methodological support, various forms of digital learning, cloud technologies, increasing the level of digital competence of teachers in the formation of digital competencies of specialists is revealed. The implementation of the research results was carried out at the National Pedagogical Dragomanov University and Poltava V. G. Korolenko National Pedagogical University by conducting a pedagogical experiment.

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