
Relevance: The formation of a project culture in the personality of a pedagogical worker influences his professional development and the ability to carry out educational activities and organize the educational process. For this, specific pedagogical conditions must be distinguished, which would comprehensively contribute to solving research tasks regarding the positive dynamics of the studied phenomenon. Objective: To substantiate the pedagogical conditions for the development of project culture in teachers of vocational training. Methods: Theoretical: theoretical analysis - to study scientific literature - to determine the complex of pedagogical conditions for the development of project culture in teachers of vocational training; analysis and synthesis - to substantiate the content of the pedagogical conditions of the project culture of teachers of vocational training. Empirical: expert evaluation - to select the most effective pedagogical conditions of the studied phenomenon; statistical: ranking - to identify more significant pedagogical conditions of the project culture of teachers of vocational training. Results: The definition of "pedagogical conditions" as the main methodological concept of the study of the development of project culture in teachers of vocational training has been determined; the interpretation of the definition of "pedagogical conditions for the development of project culture of teachers of vocational training" has been characterized; it has been determined that the development of project culture in teachers of vocational training is subject to certain pedagogical conditions, which are based on the purposeful selection of content, forms, methods necessary for the implementation of this process and the achievement of relevant didactic goals; by methods of expert evaluations and ranking, a list of the most significant pedagogical conditions of the project culture of teachers of vocational training has been identified, and their significance in the development of the studied phenomenon has been proven. Conclusions: Each of the outlined pedagogical conditions for the development of project culture in teachers of vocational training is aimed at forming their professionalism, creative potential, and pedagogical skills; the identified pedagogical conditions will be taken into account in the future in the development of the relevant methodology, which will ensure the systematicity, consistency, and purposefulness of the studied problem.

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