
The profession of a programmer at the height of the development of the IT industry is one ofthe most demanded in the labor market. Working in an IT company helps to ensure social securityand a decent standard of living. Many people would like to learn programming, but this process iscomplex and ambiguous. There are different approaches to teaching programming. The authorspresent a brief analytical review of existing methods and technologies for such training. It isconcluded that there are a variety of similar approaches that differ both in the field of application(school, university, courses, etc.) and in orientation (from theoretical to practical). The analysis ofexisting approaches allowed the authors to suggest their own method of teaching programming,based on the use of a multi-module project. Each module of the project includes the solution of aseparate task, starting from simple linear calculations and ending with the work with files anddatabases. At the same time, pedagogical principles of instruction are observed, such as thesequence of the course, the systematic nature of scientific knowledge, the gradual transition fromsimple to complex. However, each of the gradually more complicated tasks implies a solution notin a separate small project, but looks like an integral part of a large general project. Therefore, thedevelopment of such a project during laboratory studies allows students to learn the syntacticconstructions of the programming language, to do practical programming activities, to developskills in project activity and algorithmic thinking. In the future, the development of a softwarecomponent of a multi-module project and an experimental study of the effectiveness of the methodare suggested.

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