
The article analyzes the peculiarities of learning practical skills in the study of obstetric and pediatric profile. Special attention is paid to the individualization of practical training. According to the requirements of modernity, the number of practical skills and abilities that health care professionals should have is growing rapidly, and in the educational process for practicing practical skills it is not always possible to provide students with thematic patients. Attention is drawn to the specifics of the object of knowledge itself – a pregnant woman at different stages of pregnancy. The search for new approaches to optimize the acquisition of practical skills by students is especially relevant in the period of medical reform. The algorithm of cognition is proposed: “I know – I understand – I saw – I did – I can”. The best way to assimilate practical skills is to work in a simulation training center, practicing skills on phantoms. The use of simulation phantoms and mannequins allows students to train specific practical skills or comprehensive medical care in relevant clinical situations. The centers are equipped with stands, modern algorithms for practicing skills in accordance with international standards and requirements, and instructions for performing skills. In the world medical practice, the best method for students to mastering practical skills at the first stages of studying the subject is to work with phantoms and dummies. Students have the opportunity to finalize the algorithm “I know – I saw – I did – I can” in the simulation center. Here, the student’s active position in learning plays a crucial role, because if someone does not immediately understand how to perform a practical skill, the teacher has the opportunity to show and check each student’s performance on a phantom. The role of the student’s active position in the educational process is emphasized. An in-depth analysis of the quality of students’ passing the OSCE and the comprehensive qualification exam will allow to improve the methodology of acquiring practical skills.

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