
MOOCs (massive open online courses) are popular distance courses for which anyone can sign up online with no limits on the number of participants. Moreover, artificial intelligence is a combination of algorithms for the development of human and rational capabilities by machines. This article presents a quantitative study with a sample of 734 MOOCs on artificial intelligence from three important platforms. Through exploratory and factor analyses, and with the support of a category system, it is concluded that, there are similarities in terms of access to content, ease of navigation, design, toolbars, consistency, visible hypertexts, browsing support and links, help in content searching, and course development with regard to the technical dimension. Regarding the pedagogical dimension, xMOOCs represent the most extensive international trend, and unidirectional resources predominate. In relation to the content dimension, MOOCs that include content on the emerging and current uses of artificial intelligence in learning and training are remarkable, including three main trends in MOOCs on artificial intelligence: machine learning and education, ethics of AI, and human learning and inclusivity.

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