
The research aims to uncover deviations from transformative learning practices. Priority study on social alienation in social studies learning in Junior High Schools (SMP). The research method used is qualitative research. The research subjects were students of class VIII and IX of public junior high schools in Surabaya, Sidoarjo, and Malang as schools that became a barometer of the quality of junior high school education in East Java. Collecting data using in-depth interview and observation techniques. The analysis uses Miles and Huberman's qualitative description analysis technique which includes the process of data reduction, data presentation, and verification/conclusion. The result of the research is the fact that the practice of social alienation in social studies learning in junior high school is found. A form of alienation is Powerlessness. Learners experience relational alienation caused by the dominance of power in teaching and learning interactions. The fact that the practice of alienation is meaningless is also found. Learners experience intellectual role alienation caused by the teacher's self-construction of authority, namely the teacher as a source of learning, the teacher is smart. Another cause is the curriculum achievement target that is charged to the teacher so that the productivity value of students is less appreciated.

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