
The article discusses the pedagogic conditions for the formation of the cultural identity of rural schoolchildren in Leningrad Region (using the example of three schools), describes the most common methods of museum pedagogy, according to teachers, creating positive conditions for the formation of the cultural identity of pupils on the basis of school museums of local history and historical profi les; three components of pedagogic conditions were revealed, which, according to teachers, «work» in the fi eld of formation of a cultured identity of rural schoolchildren; the author’s model of cultural identity of rural schoolchildren of Leningrad Region is described. An analysis of the narratives of schoolteachers and pupils, which were the resulting methods of focus groups, showed that pedagogic conditions are not only content and methods of educational practices. What plays a major role in the system of pedagogic conditions for the formation of cultural identity of rural schoolchildren is the personality of the teacher-handler, and often of the creator of the school museum of local history and historical profi les. Pedagogic conditions of formation of cultural identity of rural schoolchildren bring parents and pupils of school closer together, satisfy deep humanitarian interests of pupils. As for teachers, they contribute to broadcasting positive traditional norms of the rural hostel from older generations to younger ones, namely: strengthen neighbourhood ties and mutual assistance, interest in the history of native heath and objects of its sacred landscape, preservation of objects of intangible cultural heritage (local patois, holidays, songs, folklore). This is done most successfully by teachers in primary and middle-level classes.

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