
Relevance. The relevance of the study in the field of youth gender awareness in the current conditions of Kazakhstan is conditioned by the fact that providing gender education and conducting gender policy is an important tool for the development of gender equality for any state in the world.Purpose. The objectives of the study include the investigation of the institution of gender awareness and its key components in the form of characteristics and features of functioning, analysis of the features of gender identity in the structure of self-concept among young people, and the study of modern approaches of the authors to the definition of gender identity.Methodology. The main methodological approaches used in the study include the theoretical methodological approach, the functional methodological approach, logical analysis, sociological analysis, deduction, etc.Results. The study revealed that there is currently ambiguity and unformed attitudes among young people regarding their distribution in marital roles; identified factors of self-concept development that serve as components of gender identity, and developed a model of gender identity in the structure of self-concept among young people; highlighted the main gender stereotypes that influence youth and may serve as a problem in their perception of gender identity.Conclusions. The gender policy of the Republic of Kazakhstan in relation to the formation of teacher education on defining one's gender identity was analysed; appropriate recommendations for implementation in the gender policy of the Republic of Kazakhstan were developed to increase efficiency and avoid possible problems.

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